Colfax Massacre Memorial

On Easter Sunday, April 13, 1873, approximately 140 heavily armed white men led by ex-Confederate officers, attacked a roughly equal number of Black men at the courthouse in Colfax, a small town in Central Louisiana. 100+ Black men were killed while defending their rights to vote; 3 white men fighting to uphold white supremacy also died presumably by bullets from their own men in what is today known as the Colfax Massacre.

Colfax Massacre Memorial imagery, 45x72, engraved collage, 2023.

April 13th, 2023 an engraved granite memorial honoring the victims of the massacre was erected and unveiled marking the 150th Anniversary of this tragedy. Jazzmen Lee-Johnson created the imagery for the memorial.

Two Men Unite to Memorialize the Victims of Colfax Massacre

Rev. Avery Hamilton and Dean Woods are two men from different backgrounds, descendants of victims and perpetrators of the Colfax Massacre of who have come together.

A guide to the imagery